Correlation and Regression Line

This Applet is written in Java JDK1.1; If your browser does not show something on the screen, please try other browser/appletviewer that support JDK1.1 or newer. If you need one, click here.
  1. To make a scatter plot, click the yellow background one by one. The linear correlation coefficient is given on the bottom of graph.
  2. If you want to remove some points, make a rectangle containing those points by mouse dragging.
  3. If you want to begin from the begining, select the Reset menu of the menu item Applet.
  4. If you want regression line select regression line in the Line menu.
  5. To close the window applet window select the Close item of the Applet menu or click the window closing button.
  6. For further info, click help.
Comments will be welcome.
